Thursday, July 14, 2011


On the road to veganity, I bumped along a little ways with some turkey meat sticks and some chicken tacos.  But my meat and sugar intake is really minimal in the grand scheme of things, actually, with an incredibly liberal dousing of green tea and 10-calorie-FUZE SLENDERIZE.  (I just got some the other day, and decided I kinda like it once in a while…) My snacks have consisted of tortilla chips with salsa and, oh yes, starvation. 

I have had a mega-busy few weeks, (going to work in the early part of the day, and then heading to the storage sheds in the afternoon with large loads bogging down my poor van) and eating has literally fallen to the bottom of the “to-do” list. 

Unfortunately I can’t actually survive with no food, and eventually my hunger returns with a vengeance, attacking me for my neglect.  I actually think that my body rejects animal foods when I have been in starvation mode, and it does NOT reject the raw fruit and veggie foods, or simple starches on my OK list. I find that fascinating.

I have not made progress on implementing a stress-relieving exercise routine, but that’s OK. I have been up and down the stairs with boxes and heavy objects this week.  My waist is thinner and my legs are firmer. (I just moved into an upstairs duplex).  The weather, while pleasant today and last evening, has been pretty much hideous this week – 88 and humid.  Rough time to move. (This weekend will be worse.) So, it looks like swimming will have to be my exercise for a few days.  I am actually one of the laziest swimmers ever.  I get in the pool or the lake, and huddle with my shoulders under, sometimes holding a large fruity beverage sporting an umbrella straw. Somehow, I think the few times I let my eight-year-old daughter carry me from one end of the pool to the other, pretending I am her baby while mesmerized by the fact that she can lift me in the water… somehow I think that is exercise.  And I sip more of my fruity beverage and climb out to let the sun touch me everywhere (someone has to…)

So – although I plan to eat more food, since “no food” is not a healthy diet, I am happy to report that I feel as though I am in control of this.  That’s saying a lot!!!! I have been in control of so very little these days, it would seem...

I am truly feeling empowered that, while I may not be on the road to veganity, I am on the road to Shambala.

That’s a song, you know…

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Drinkin' Wine Spo-dee-o-dee-o


I was going to be a vegan for the summer.  I got all excited about it.  I planned to come up with a bunch of gluten-free, tasty vegan recipes and share them with my world.  I figured maybe it would help me on my journey to certain slender-ness.

So, while planning out my first day of veganity, I ran through the drive-thru at Taco Bell and grabbed up a couple of chicken tacos in hard shells so I could think about recipes…

This is going to be harder than I once thought. As in, what I once thought a minute ago, I mentally journal-ed as I tore into the poultry flesh. (Actually, just writing the phrase “poultry-flesh” has me ready to re-commit to veganity…)

It reminds me of the times we have ordered the vegan gluten-free pizza and had them throw chicken all over it.  “Are you sure…?” the woman on the other end of the phone asked in dismay.  “Just do it,” we hissed back.

I. Am. Hungry.  I don’t get to eat bread.  It is inconvenient and expensive to keep gluten-free varieties on hand. I should not eat dairy, and so I mostly avoid it since it wreaks havoc in my system, nearly as detrimentally as wheat and gluten.  I guess I wonder what the heck I am supposed to eat.

My friend and I last night devised a plan to drink liquor to get thin.  We both agreed that we are waaaaaay thinner and much more beautiful when we maintain a constant mellow buzz; or not even a mellow one.  We could just plan to be temporarily tipping that bottle back, drinking our meals, absolute animals in our lean curves and sensual prowess.

(That probably won’t work, either.  I have a feeling it won’t anyway.  And the magic-gluten-free brownie-idea is great.  Except that, oh wait, it is a bad idea.  Plus, my friend wants to get a job working for the state…)

Not me.  I don’t want to get a job anywhere.  I just want to sit around and drink wine spo-dee-o-dee-o and eat chocolate… melting off my pounds.

So realistically, I don’t have time to eat much anyway.  Which is probably why I talk about food all the time.  When I write stories, I think of delicious detail regarding the food my characters are eating.  They get to indulge in all the things I really just can’t have. 

And so, it is gluten-free bars from the grocery store, green tea, grapes, tortilla chips with salsa, and bananas.  Almost every day. 

Someone recently told me that humans were never meant to consume corn.  Grr.  I can at least eat corn.  So that’s hogwash.  I quipped back, “Humans were never meant to eat wheat.”  The person looked at me like I was crazy.  I might be a little crazy, but at that moment, I felt I’d won a crucial conversational battle.

All this to say, I am not likely to be vegan in totality.  I am not likely to turn to alcoholism and weed to speed my metabolism.  I am not likely to give up corn.

Instead, I am going to take advantage of the warm weather and do a lot of swimming and walking. 

Although, I really do think that if I stay typsy, I will care less whether or not this is actually working…

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Independence Day

"Let Freedom Ring.  Let the white dove sing.  Let the whole world know that today is the day of reckoning..."

Dear Friends,

It has been quite a while since I have written.  Almost 3 months. I have done a few crazy things, been to California and back twice, had three Brazilian sugars (I am addicted), finished an intense job of music writing and playing, started a new job of being a receptionist for a couple of lawyers, and packed up an entire house and put it into storage.

 Yep.  I was told by my landlord at the end of May that he had sold the house I was living in and I needed to move out.  So I started packing up my stuff and sorting through the memories, burning and packing and throwing away.  June 2011 was really hard. It was so hard, in fact, I don't even know what to say.

I finally dealt with so many things regarding my three-year old divorce.  I looked at old cards to and from old people in my life.  I replaced them with new music from new people.  I made a huge burn pile.

I am waiting for the inspection to go through on a house I'm trying to buy, which means I am temporarily displaced.  Meanwhile, I'm dividing my time between two friends' houses.  One friend wants to marry me, and the other, a girl (marrying her is still technically illegal in this state) is trying to be there for me, in spite of the fact that her husband is anxious and jealous of my presence. I can't wait to have my own place again.

I'm in limbo. For real.

It's almost the Fourth of July -- my favorite holiday -- and I am really, truly in LIMBO.

My daughter told me today that she want's to drop fifteen pounds.  (She is adorable, and I don't think she needs to thin out at all, although fifteen pounds would still technically be a healthy weight, so I won't discourage her.)  It made me think -- maybe I will be happier if I drop pounds as well.  I have fought it -- trying to prove that curvy is amazing and cool and healthy and all that.

But the bottom line is that I want to be thin, I guess.

So, here I go.  If I have to literally drink my meals, I am going to work my butt off this summer.  I am going to get the old fixer-upper house and work hard, and walk and dance and drink wine and  get *&^%$#@ happy. And lose twenty-five pounds.


I will keep you posted.

I plan so many things, you know.

But, this is my new goal --  thin for this year.

I want to get rid of the chubbiness on my back right under my bra-strap.  Anyone with me...?



Laura Lee

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Broken Wing

“With a broken wing, she carries her dream. Man you oughtta see here fly...”

I am holding here at thirty-nine... and I think I'm still trying to decide if I like being thirty-nine.

I'm not my wittiest self this early morning. I can't sleep, and perhaps part of that is because my conscience has told me I promised I would write a blog that I haven't written.

I was looking at an entire group of people I'd grown quite fond of recently. They were these young and beautiful thespians at a local high school. I had the pleasure of costuming them, so I was privy to things like the size of their hips or the length from their neck to the floor. I think I had an epiphany. Each of these persons were sized differently from one another – sometimes in drastic variety – and yet when I looked at the whole of them, I found them all to be beautiful physically.

I think, to carry on further with this mindset, that it would be incredibly dull if all the people I costumed were the same size and height. I looked at the girls and realized two things. One: Their various curves were altogether very pleasing to look at. Two: The curvier ones, perhaps some would say “plump”, had an altogether different appeal to them which was certainly not less than the thin ones. Maybe even more.

Beauty really is not something we can stereo-type. It is ridiculous to think that one body-type is the right one, or that we should weigh the same, or have the same shaped legs, etc.

My daughter had a couple friends over last week. We were trying on clothes and giggling. I heard both of the friends talking about swimsuits, and was horrified to hear that each of the girls had recently been told similar things by their mothers. They were told that they were getting fat, and they wouldn't be getting new swimsuits this year because it would be embarrassing to take them to the beach. Or something like that.

One of the girls was skinny as a rail, and the other a completely curvy and beautiful young teen.

OK. I am a very disciplined and well-mannered lady when it comes to public appearances. I don't burp or fart around people. I don't put my elbows on the table at nice restaurants and I know the right forks to use. If I am unsure of things, I am quiet and don't draw attention. I know how to dress up, and I learned early how to walk in heels and how to sit properly while dressed up.

But if I ever hear any mother saying such horrible crap to their daughter, I will confront that mother. I will talk to that beautiful daughter in front of her mother and tell her that I am sorry anyone speaks to her that way. I will tell her she is beautiful and to never let anyone tell her otherwise.

Mothers, you have an important role. Don't tear down your daughters' self-esteems. Don't break their beautiful wings! They may never be able to rebuild them once you have destroyed them.

The thing is, I have been trying to get through this wretched winter by blogging about beauty and health. I have attempted consistent exercise when I don't even want to get dressed or leave the house sometimes.

So what do I have to show for it? Almost five months into my declared journey, I am pretty much exactly the same weight as when I started. My hair on my head might be a little longer, and the rest of the hair on my body might be gone, and my butt muscles might be a little smoother, but I am still just this full-figured girl from the Midwest. I have given up coffee and dairy, thus diminishing my migraines. (At least they aren't chronic anymore...) and I have increased my consumption of water and green tea. I have introduced myself to yoga, and begun my walking again. It is very hard to stay consistent to either routine. You don't need my excuses why – as they are the same excuses you come up with.

I have enjoyed learning about the many odd things I've shared, and I have enjoyed writing about my growing philosophy on beauty. I've decided to post pictures of myself in my swimsuit. My mother would be mortified to know her not-skinny daughter is posting pictures of herself in swimsuits, but I decided I am not bothered. I am ready to say, “Hey. This is me.” I kinda think my shape is absolutely fine just the way it is...

It's kind of freeing. Besides which, I have also decided that since I am officially thirty-nine-in-holding, I can keep up the blog and continue writing about my journey to fitness, beauty, and healthy skin. This is not going to stop just because the proverbial timer went off. (You'll have to scroll all the way down if you're determined to see my firm-but-chubby curves after a few months of working at it...)

I promised I would get a Brazilian wax and tell all about it.

Well, on Wednesday of this week, I did just that. Actually, I went to a studio where they do “sugaring” instead of waxing. I had studied up on it and decided to try this method because it sounded less painful than waxing. (Last summer I tried to wax my inner thighs myself with the Sally Hansen home kit. My skin was so black and blue with bruises. It was awful. I knew I needed professional help...)

There are some similarities between sugaring and waxing. First, with both, the technician applies product to your skin, and pulls hair out (rips hair out) quickly with a strip of fabric or gauze or whatever it is they use. But I am told that this is where the similarities end. Waxing pulls hair out in the opposite direction of its growth, and sugaring pulls in the direction it grows. Sugar-product is made from sugar, thus easy to clean up. The wax (at least from my experience last summer) – not so much.

OK. So here is how it went: I got to the studio exactly on time. I had prepped well ahead of time. I made sure I wasn't menstruating (this really seems like a no-brainer to me. But it is on all the websites for both sugaring and waxing – the warning that one should not get a Brazilian “Bare-it-All” waxing/sugaring while on their period. If you don't understand why, then perhaps you should not be reading this blog.) Secondly, the technician told me on the phone to not exfoliate in the areas where hair would be removed for the two days leading up to my appointment.

After I filled out initial paperwork (a little like a doctor's appointment), I went into a little room... just like at the gynecologists, only prettier. She had me take off my clothes from the waist down, clean/disinfect the area to be sugared with a special product she gave me, and then I sat on the table, covering with the little towel she'd provided me. (It was a little towel, too.) When she returned, I told her that I was actually a little nervous. She smiled and started talking to me. “What made you decide to try this?” We talked about my blog. We talked about sugaring versus waxing. We talked about babies – I have four, she has two. This conversation all took place as she was applying the gooey sugar product to my nether hairs, and ripping it off with a gauze. I had to hold my skin tight for her. Sometimes it hurt, but not too much.

She left a “landing strip” in the front to see if I liked it. She handed me a mirror, and I laughed because I was so red everywhere. She told me it would go back to normal after a few hours. (Incidentally, I chose to not have a landing strip. Why not get the whole lot of it removed, right? If I'm gonna do this, let's just do it.)

OK. So, when you get a Brazilian anything, you also opt to get hair removed from the backside. I am sooooo trying to word this so that it isn't uncouth. I laugh out loud. Hairy butt. That reminds me of when my oldest daughter was three and she saw me going to the bathroom... (OK. I will spare you the story...)

In order to accomplish this part of the Brazilian, the removing of hair that is just inside your butt-cheeks (if I were to wear a thong in public, this would be the purpose of such a service), I had to lay on my side and hold the area tightly so she could rip those pesky little hairs off.

By the time we were done, we were already talking about my next appointment in five weeks, and that it would get easier, less painful, and faster each time. I said, “Like weeding a garden.” She laughed. She hadn't thought of it that way before.

It is, though.

All in all, for a first-timer, it took about an hour of my life, and cost me $63 plus tip. I spent an extra $5 on some exfoliating gloves to use in the shower. She stressed that exfoliating was the single most important thing we can do for our skin's health, and to avoid ingrown hairs, whether in the nether regions or not. (However, she said to avoid exercise or exfoliating for two days so the skin could heal.)

I have since had a few irritated bumps on this newly smoothed skin. I am a redhead. We have ridiculously sensitive skin. I will just have to deal with it.

I have to say, I think I'm a fan. The one thing I came away with was this: I hardly ever spend money on myself at all. I don't get my hair done. (Have you seen my pictures? I might get my hair trimmed three times a year...) I don't have a stylist do any cool highlights or coloring. I am not one to spend the money on that. I am an absolute Scrooge about everything else.

So maybe I can try to afford this for myself, if it makes me feel pampered. I know I felt like a million bucks when I stepped out of the studio. I still do.

Why do we resist beautifying, if it is that we are resisting beautifying? I think there may be a couple of reasons. Maybe we think we are supposed to focus on the inner beauty, to the point of denying our outer person to be beautiful. That is sad. I encourage my girls to be lovely outside as well as on the inside. (My second-born does not need to be encouraged. She, the small tot who wouldn't eat a cookie if it was broken, because it wasn't “pretty” anymore...) The second reason we might stop ourselves from pursuing beauty may have something to do with feelings of self-worth.

I used to be attracted to men who were really cruel. I was always tormented and awaiting morsels of their goodness to be delivered in sarcastic smiles or a momentary gentle touch. My girlfriend looked at me one day and said, “Laura, that will change. That will change when one day you realize you deserve better.”

Ah. Epiphany number two: The day has arrived.

Long blog, I know. I will continue to write through the unfolding of my wings...

Until next time.... xoxo

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Workin My Way Back To You Babe

“I'm Working my Way Back to You Babe... with a happiness blah-blah (don't remember those words....) Don't let it slip away..... or something....” (When the song is on I can sing every word! Dang it all!!)


The date is just around the corner. You realize I'm not done yet, right? I am not all made-over like I should be after four months of attempting, deliberating, executing, re-thinking...

I wish I could tell you that I have diminished my size to (something in the single digits). Although, I don't really care that much. (I care a little or I wouldn't be talking about it...) I understand that sexy is a state of mind, and not a specific body type.

What I can tell you is that I have absolutely kicked coffee and pop, and I continue to not eat wheat. I avoid my other top allergen – dairy – even though occasionally some seeps into my otherwise very-bland diet. With this new and healthier eating-scenario, I am able to avoid my chronic migraines (therefore I don't take as many pain-killers), and I have a lot more energy than when I first began my blog. I have also noticed that my skin is in great condition.

I've maintained my weight throughout these cold winter months, which is a good thing. In my land (sounds like the beginning of a fairytale, doesn't it?) we tend to gain weight during the cold, immobile months. So maintaining, I believe, is actually getting ahead!

This being said, I look forward to what the next five weeks will hold for me in regular exercise (yoga), consuming of recommended amounts of water, and eventual re-introduction to the outside and walking.

I love walking.

I give myself until Friday, April 8th, before I post any before and after photos.

Meanwhile, I thought I would tell you what I just read. I just read that the secret to losing NINE POUNDS a week is (drumroll...) positive thinking! That's right! I believe, therefore I am. Something like that.

How can a magazine claim this? How can anyone say that with a straight face?

Although, I do believe in the power of positive thinking. I think it is a wonderful tool for achieving goals. I teach it to my singers all the time.

Oh, alright. I am going to try it this week, OK? I am going to make an affirmation right here and now, and say it in the mirror every morning, and be all happy and giddy and powerful with positiveness this week.

I will tell you in exactly one week how many pounds I have lost.

My Affirmation:

I – am a brilliant oozing light of sexiness.
I – am a fabulous mother who teaches her children to not belch and fart in public.
I – am an amazing daughter who calls her mom at least once a month, whether she needs to hear my voice or not... (OK. I promise to call you more often, Mom.)
I – am a rockstar artisan of folk-jazz-alternative country music, fabric creations, and blog-wonders!
I – am a girl who is dedicated to healthy eating.
I – am a lover. I mean a lover of exercising.
I – am a delight to visit with. I visit with myself all the time...
I – will not be clumsy in the months of March and April. I am not clumsy, Why would I even say this?
I – am the picture of grace and beauty, calmly executing my moves from place to place within a room.
I – will reach my goal. I can do it. I deserve to do it. I choose to do it.
And, doggone it, people like me.

What do you think? There's something about this that I do believe... I've been through some odd and somewhat negative stuff for the past four weeks. And I'm not bad-mouthing anyone, (for the most part.) I'm doing my best to just push through. While I'm incredibly exhausted, emotionally which translates to physically, I can see that the positive attitude I continue to adopt, combined with the healthy lifestyle I've been working at (especially finally kicking that caffeine addiction) has been to my advantage through the hard times. It's weird. Sometimes I wanna write to you and spill all my junk.

Ewwwww. I'm not gonna do that. You don't want to read that. You want to read about my diet and exercise, my newest health soap-box, my quest for sexy hair and, of course, hairlessness...

On that note –

I'm finally ready to make a spa appointment to have my Brazilian done. I've promised you all that I would blog about it, without holding anything back. The thing is, I have to let my hair grow in a little in order to get the waxing done. (I've been using the no-name brand of Nair for several weeks now, and I love it!) I am curious to see if the waxing lasts longer, though, and if it provides a smoother surface.

Short blog, but I have lots to do. I have been sewing costumes non-stop for three weeks. My children are all involved in musical theater this time of year, and that means I am, too. :)

This isn't my most brilliant bit of writing, but it sounds like all we need to do is be committed to positive attitudes and we can make great things happen for us. I'm willing to try. I promise to check back in next Saturday to tell you about my nine pounds...

Workin My Way Back To You Babe

“I'm Working my Way Back to You Babe... with a happiness blah-blah (don't remember those words....) Don't let it slip away..... or something....” (When the song is on I can sing every word! Dang it all!!)


The date is just around the corner. You realize I'm not done yet, right? I am not all made-over like I should be after four months of attempting, deliberating, executing, re-thinking...

I wish I could tell you that I have diminished my size to (something in the single digits). Although, I don't really care that much. (I care a little or I wouldn't be talking about it...) I understand that sexy is a state of mind, and not a specific body type.

What I can tell you is that I have absolutely kicked coffee and pop, and I continue to not eat wheat. I avoid my other top allergen – dairy – even though occasionally some seeps into my otherwise very-bland diet. With this new and healthier eating-scenario, I am able to avoid my chronic migraines (therefore I don't take as many pain-killers), and I have a lot more energy than when I first began my blog. I have also noticed that my skin is in great condition.

I've maintained my weight throughout these cold winter months, which is a good thing. In my land (sounds like the beginning of a fairytale, doesn't it?) we tend to gain weight during the cold, immobile months. So maintaining, I believe, is actually getting ahead!

This being said, I look forward to what the next five weeks will hold for me in regular exercise(yoga), consuming of recommended amounts of water, and eventual re-introduction to the outside and walking.

I love walking.

I give myself until Friday, April 8th, before I post any before and after photos.

Meanwhile, I thought I would tell you what I just read. I just read that the secret to losing NINE POUNDS a week is (drumroll...) positive thinking! That's right! I believe, therefore I am. Something like that.

How can a magazine claim this? How can anyone say that with a straight face?

Although, I do believe in the power of positive thinking. I think it is a wonderful tool for achieving goals. I teach it to my singers all the time.

Oh, alright. I am going to try it this week, OK? I am going to make an affirmation right here and now, and say it in the mirror every morning, and be all happy and giddy and powerful with positiveness this week.

I will tell you in exactly one week how many pounds I have lost.

My Affirmation:

I – am a brilliant oozing light of sexiness.
I – am a fabulous mother who teaches her children to not belch and fart in public.
I – am an amazing daughter who calls her mom at least once a month, whether she needs to hear my voice or not... (OK. I promise to call you more often, Mom.)
I – am a rockstar artisan of folk-jazz-alternative country music, fabric creations, and blog-wonders!
I – am a girl who is dedicated to healthy eating.
I – am a lover. I mean a lover of exercising.
I – am a delight to visit with. I visit with myself all the time...
I – will not be clumsy in the months of March and April. I am not clumsy, Why would I even say this? I – am the picture of grace and beauty, calmly executing my moves from place to place within a room.
I – will reach my goal. I can do it. I deserve to do it. I choose to do it.
And, doggone it, people like me.

What do you think? There is something about this that I do believe... I have been through some odd and somewhat negative stuff for the past four weeks. And I am not bad-mouthing anyone, for the most part. I am doing my best to just push through. While I'm incredibly exhausted, emotionally which translates to physically, I can see that the positive attitude I continue to adopt, combined with the healthy lifestyle I've been working at (especially finally kicking that caffeine addiction) has been to my advantage through the hard times. It's weird. Sometimes I wanna write to you and spill all my junk. Ewwwww. I'm not gonna do that. You don't want to read that. You want to read about my diet and exercise, my newest health soap-box, my quest for sexy hair and, of course, hairlessness...

On that note –

I'm finally ready to make a spa appointment to have my Brazilian done. I have promised you all that I would blog about it, without holding anything back. The thing is, I have to let my hair grow in a little in order to get the waxing done. (I've been using the no-name brand of Nair for several weeks now, and I love it!) I am curious to see if the waxing lasts longer, though, and if it provides a smoother surface.

Short blog, but I have lots to do. I have been sewing costumes non-stop for three weeks. My children are all involved in musical theater this time of year, and that means I am, too. :)

This is not my most brilliant blog, but it sounds like all we need to do is be committed to positive attitudes and we can make great things happen for us. I'm willing to try. I promise to check back in next Saturday to tell you about my nine pounds...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Man in the Mirror

“I'm Gonna Make A Change,
For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good,
Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right . . .”

In the past three months, I have cleaned my purse out (actually switched purses, I mean) three times!!!! If you know me at all, you understand that this means I took Purse A, overly full, crammed with receipts, energy-bar-wrappers, napkins, odd earrings and barrettes, a few assorted toys – you get the picture. I removed important things from Purse A – make-up bag, wallet, brush/hair pick, glasses, dental floss, etc. – and put them in Purse B. It's so clean and lovely for a spell, until I soon find it crammed full of receipts, wrappers, odd baubles and broken toys... at which point, I remove the essentials and place them in Purse C. I hope you understand what I'm saying.

Currently I have Purses A, B, and C hanging on the door knob in my room, and Purse D needs to be purged, essentials placed in Purse E. And all the other purses need the remaining guts of receipts, wrappers and odds and ends to be sorted/eradicated.


I cannot seem to get the one thing done, all neat and tidy, before starting the next.

Application: Gotta do that, Einstein.

My looming birthday is shared with Albert Einstein. :)

I think, sometimes, when we have trouble getting healthy/staying healthy, it might be because we have some looming Purses (with many letter names), so that the one we're holding brings us no joy. We understand that soon this new purse will hang like baggage on a hook inside of us, and we will move some essentials into the next one.

Bogged down with too many purses, how can we
  1. Have any energy whatsoever?
  2. Believe in ourselves?
  3. Understand the processes required for rewiring our thinking?
  4. Feel organized/prepared to do stuff?
  5. And so on...

I cannot relax when the house is a disaster, or sit back and read a book when I have a lot of errands to run.

How can I change my life when I have not yet dealt with the unpleasant circumstances that helped me become unhealthy? That's a pretty big purse...

I'm not saying everything has to be completely “clean” in order for a change to be successfully made. That would, indeed, be depressing.

But asking ourselves “Why do I turn to coffee for comfort?” (I watched my parents suck pot after pot of it down through my childhood. My daddy was a preacher, and we kids joked that coffee was Baptist beer.)

Why didn't I stay involved in activities?” There's a lot to this one – I was a girl, not allowed to wear anything revealing (which included all the official sports gear at school, cheerleading outfits, basketball or vollyball shorts-sets...), and we were not allowed to “dance.” I think conservative Christian homes from the eighties did their children an injustice by discouraging them from moving much at all. The gatherings we had – since no one played sports or cards or pool or anything – all centered around coffee and food.


Well, that's one purse.

I've got more.

Heck – you don't need to look inside all of my old purses, but, know that I am cleaning them out.

I like to dance, and I insist that my kids dance, by the way. :)

While cleaning out my “purses,” deciding to grab hold of my dreams and move with steady energy toward them, I realize that mental and physical health are twin sisters.

And for me, the secret to quality of life can be found while embracing both sisters.

Now, an update on the boring stuff:
I am proud to tell you I have kicked coffee and replaced it with tea. While I don't always have green tea, I have not bound myself to a life without ANY caffeine. I realize that coffee is a gravely dangerous temptation for me. I almost always have dairy if I am having coffee.

So the second thing is, I am rededicated to avoiding dairy, because it hurts me all over.

I refuse to cheat on drinking pop, as well.

The first day away from coffee was really tough. I was so sleepy and miserable. But it is getting better.

Combine this with my yoga, which I am trying to find enough time to do, and these upcoming weeks should be productive toward my ultimate goal.

Oh how I long for spring. I cannot wait to get outside and walk. I love being out during the semi-warm/warm weather. I understand that it's a challenge to stay in shape during the Midwest winter.

Boy do I.

Well – today, I'm sorting out the collected papers from my house. I have stashed mail, stashed assignments from my kids, old newspaper articles...

That's one of my purses, by the way.

Hopefully I will have more energy to do something really sweet for myself when it's all done.

Until Next Time...

Laura Lee